Saturday, March 15, 2025

Group Meeting #2 Reflection

 Hello blog! 

On Monday, we had our second group meeting, and they were a lot of help. Overall, I just love group meetings because it’s so many different ideas everywhere and people just help each other out which is just a great use of time. The people in my group were Rehan, Alexis, Candelaria, Sofia, and me. At first, we were all just kind of shy, but thankfully Candelaria spoke up and kind of just carried conversation for the group. She started off by explaining her whole process of filming and how it went, and then she went on to show us her project. Everybody liked it, and no one had any observation to point out aside from maybe making the fonts a little bit more noticeable since they tend to fade with the background. I really admired the fact that she had a visual to show us and she was brave for sharing it because I would not have wanted to show mine, especially since it wasn’t even done. She also discussed her CCR ideas with us. The first one she spoke about was some sort of reenactment to the Yellow brick Road in the Wizard of Oz. To further illustrate, it’s a specific scene when Dorothy is making her way through this large yellow brick road full of obstacles and each obstacle has a specific character that helps her get through the yellow brick road or has a specific quality. She wanted to implement this as each encounter of a character would include answering a question, or something similar to that. That was just my understanding of it, and I thought that this idea was so cool, so hopefully she'll be able to do it! For her other video, she was still unsure of what to do, and some people provided some ideas, and she ended up leaning closer towards an interview.

Rehan told us about his productions next. He explained that he was in the editing process of his production, and therefore, he did not have a finished product to show us, which is totally fine because everybody was doing everything at their own time. He did, however, have some cool makeup to show us. It was sort of bloody, the whole bruise kind of thing. I loved it. I have done that myself, and it is soo fun to do. He told us that his partner's mom did it and further explained his genre and film idea, which was escaping. I think it was really interesting to start off a film like that, since it's not normally shown, so props to him and his partner for thinking of it. As for CCR ideas, since he was focused on editing, he hadn’t given it much thought, but then again everything at its own time.

After him went Sofia. She told us she was doing a detective video, which I also thought was really cool. She showed us a piece of what she was working on, and it was really nice. She also had a really creative font for her title, so I praised her on that. The CCR part was one of my favorite parts because we helped her shape an idea that I thought really interesting. She discussed that she was thinking about doing something based on her character, which I hadn’t given that outlook to the CCR, but the more she explained, the more it made sense. She describes that the CCR could be anything really, meaning the character that the whole film opening was based on could also potentially be in the CCR. This is such a cool connection that I was also considering of implying into one of my CCRs because it’s just cool. As she was telling us her whole idea of implementing her films character into her CCRs. I suggested maybe using a magnifying glass that could read out a question or something like that and I am not sure if she really picked up on the idea.

As for Alexis and I, we were pretty similar on the fact that we were just still filming or focused on filming unfortunately since I had to refilm everything, and Alexis was still stuck on filming because she's been having some difficulties which I do not remember very well, therefore won't be speaking on.  I really do hope that she can get on track with everything that she needs on time. There weren’t too many ideas suggested for either of us, but that's okay. I guess none of us were really feeling it that day, since it was Monday and Monday suck. Thankfully, later on in the week, I was able to come up with one of the first CCR production ideas and I am very proud of it. Anyway, here is a picture of our group. Shout out to Ms. Stoklosa for taking it!

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Group Meeting #2 Reflection

 Hello blog!  On Monday, we had our second group meeting, and they were a lot of help. Overall, I just love group meetings because it’s so m...