Hello blog!
It's finally time to begin my production, but in order to do that, I must have all the key elements to my production ready. One of the most crucial elements in any storyline really is lighting. It portrays the tone and vibe of a current scene. I thought I'd dive a little deeper and fully express my plans for lighting in my production. I’d like to use the technique of high key lighting for my production. I feel like this type of lighting suits the scene the best because the events are pretty light and simple. I associate writing with more of a daydreaming kind of outlook and since that is with Bella is doing actually, I just think that hike lighting is the best option for lighting. The other scene where Bella is writing her story that's coming true will also be in high key lighting because it is outside.
The next element I’d like to delve into is props. I am planning something really big for my props as I believe that they play a big role on my story. Prop development I'd say is one of the most important parts of my storyline, and therefore I am taking it really seriously. Since most of the opening takes place in Bella's room, I wanted to really express her interests all throughout. I'm planning on ordering 1-2 2000's magazines from Amazon and cut out some stuff. In addition, I am going to print out pictures of big singers like Avril Lavigne on my printer and cut that out as well. Although this may be a little over the top, I'd also like to order a carpet of some print like cheetah or zebra. Other items I already have prepared are the pieces of paper she will hang in her room, and an old version of a phone with Apple EarPods connected to them. The scene where Bella is illustrating a story doesn’t really have any props. It’s just an open field with two people.
Lastly, I would like to further discuss my costume option. I recently explained that I wanted Bella to have some comfy clothes with that 2000 style. I want her to look like she spends most of her time in her room, thus her hair will be in a messy bun, she'll be wearing glasses, and very light makeup. Makeup is put on almost every actor that faces the big screen, and that's why she will have that no-makeup makeup that many actors wear on a daily basis. For her shoes, she will wear crocs, as they were pretty popular during that time and it’s just a comfy shoe to wear around the household. My two other characters will also be wearing 2000s clothing, but more daytime. The guy will wear an oversized flannel shirt and any shirt of his liking really but possibly just a solid shirt with some jeans and Nike shoes. The girl will wear a halter top with low-rise jeans and Converse shoes. Since she is outside, she will have some heavier makeup and a blowout.
With all that set, I am finally ready to begin filming!!
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