Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting Reflection

Hi there blog!

Today we had our first group meetings, which were groups within classmates that allow us to share our ideas and spread creativity. I really liked this activity because I felt more comfortable talking and at this age, so many people are bursting with imagination, and thankfully, my group had lots of it. 

The first person to share their idea was Nico. He described his original idea for a guy to be working out in a home gym and his morning routine to be shown all throughout the opening. As time went by, pieces of his room or around his house would hint or represent his hardships and his plans for the future and just for all of us to pain out within the span of two minutes. While I thought this idea was good, I suggested that instead of pieces of his life to be shown around a room, that he gets flashbacks as he’s working out in a way that will push him to work harder. in addition to this, he also suggested that the character had some sort of disease and that wanted to be a doctor or something in medical field and personally I thought that that was too broad for it to just be fit into two minutes and advised him to cut that from the story. Everyone else contributed and helped him shape his idea out, and it turned out to be really good. He felt really confident with the idea afterwards.

After him went Benjamin. His idea was sort of similar to Nico‘s, as they both had the same genre of sports. I wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to pan it out because he didn’t provide a very well thought out explanation, but he was sure that he wanted some sort of montage of two best friends pushing each other to work harder and be better. Although he didn't have everything figured out, he was very set that that's what he wanted to do, so nobody else really added any ideas rather than ask a couple questions and attempt to add depth to his storyline.

Juan illustrated his idea next. Like Benjamin, he was pretty sure he wanted to stick to what he had already came up with the idea he had come up with. He explained how his idea for his film opening was for a woman in her house getting ready for a date. She is nicely dressed and cooking up a dinner for her and her date. She drops a knife, and as she bends down to pick it up, she gets a flashback of her in that same room slaughtering a man, and as she gets back up, the flashback disappears, and everything goes back to normal. She then gets a text from her date saying that he’s outside, and as she puts down her phone to open the door, it is revealed that a lot of men have texted her, and their last texts are letting her know they are outside waiting for her. I actually had no suggestions to this opening as I really loved that idea, and everyone else thought the same. We all thought it was really interesting and unique, and I am really excited to see it come to life.

My turn came after, and although I have been trying to come up with some ideas for my film opening, I was just at a complete brain fart and couldn't come up with anything. I told everybody my genre and some stuff I'd be interested in doing. Benjamin suggested something about bullying, but rather than story being about the person that's being bullied, for the point of view or backstory of the person that's doing the bullying. I wasn’t exactly sure how to develop this idea, so I didn’t really choose to go down that path, but I thought it was a really cool interesting approach, as it's never really shown how or why the bully takes initiative. Juan proposed an idea of a girl that struggled financially and helping her family out in the best ways she could. I really like this suggestion but unfortunately, I don’t think I'd have the resources to expand this thought any further because I’m just trying to do something simple that I could do within my household since I don't have many resources, and I'm working alone. Although I liked those two ideas, after some consideration, I decided I would not be doing either, and even though I didn't have my story yet, I was able to get creative and came up with my own film opening, which I will be sharing later this week.

Lastly, Amanda also had no idea what to do, but she did know what kind of things she wanted to base it upon. She had told us that she watched the movie Beautiful Boy and kind of wanted to pay homage to it. She also spoke about color scheme, and Nico shared his thoughts and told her about the different lightings she should use in her opening. Juan suggested a bunch of ideas that allowed her to develop the foundation to her story and ended up pretty satisfied. 

Here is a picture of our group!!

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