Hello blog!
Nice to see you again. Today I am discussing 2 possible genres I would like to use in my film opening. These 2 genres are horror and thriller. Here is the basic research I’ve done on both of them.
In the horror genre, films typically open in a very normal environment. This is a foreshadowing that things are too calm and something bad is about to happen. The calm before the storm. It may just occur for a couple minutes, but it’s so that viewers are caught off guard and intrigued when the horror begins. Subtle hints of disturbance appear throughout the scene, eventually revealing a horrifying event. The antagonist is introduced and sometimes the opening can be shown from a POV of the antagonist.
The second genre I researched was thrillers. Thriller films normally open by using eye-catching objects or visuals that catch a viewer’s attention from the get-go. These visuals are normally unsettling or disturbing to watch. Lighting plays a key factor, as it sets the mood and provides a hint of where the storyline will be heading. A character will typically be isolated to hint danger, and eerie music is present to present a dark occurrence.
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