Monday, February 17, 2025

Character Development

Hi blog!

Today, I will be discussing character development. Therefore, I decided to dive deep on my protagonist. To start off, I brainstormed ideas for my character's name and ended up landing on Bella, meaning beautiful. I thought this was such a cute outlook on what kind of person Bella represents, and signaling at the fact that she keeps her beauty within. I explained in my recent blog post that she’s an introverted girl that mostly stays in her room and writes, which I also think is very fitting to her name. Her story has a lot more depth to what is actually showing on the outside, and the point of the film is for her to slowly unfold her personality. The key to understanding the whole foundation of a film is with an understanding what kind of person Bella is. The truth is mostly introverted because she's never stepped out of her comfort zone, and she's never really had to. She’s never really felt like she’s fit in anywhere, so she made her own space, and she was happy with that. She's been homeschooled since 7th grade, and doesn't have any friends, therefore, she creates her own by writing. Being homeschooled had various perks, but it also meant being very isolated from the outside world, making her social skills fail miserably. Without socializing daily though, she has been able to romanticize her time by herself, constantly doing hobbies like baking, walking, and reading, but what she finds herself doing the most is writing. She spends hours alone in her room, writing about all kinds of scenarios, and daydreaming about how different her life could be if instead of keeping herself to herself, that she shares it to others, and who knows? Maybe one of the stories she writes about will come true. What she doesn't know however, is that they actually do come true, and every time she is writing a story, she brings it to life. Since she has to live with another reality, she just spends hours in her room daydreaming about what kind of life she could have.

Her character development throughout the film occurs once she writes a darker story that she eventually finds her reality to be. While escaping this darker reality, she meets characters that help her find a new light and become who she's always dreamt of being.

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