Saturday, March 15, 2025

Group Meeting #2 Reflection

 Hello blog! 

On Monday, we had our second group meeting, and they were a lot of help. Overall, I just love group meetings because it’s so many different ideas everywhere and people just help each other out which is just a great use of time. The people in my group were Rehan, Alexis, Candelaria, Sofia, and me. At first, we were all just kind of shy, but thankfully Candelaria spoke up and kind of just carried conversation for the group. She started off by explaining her whole process of filming and how it went, and then she went on to show us her project. Everybody liked it, and no one had any observation to point out aside from maybe making the fonts a little bit more noticeable since they tend to fade with the background. I really admired the fact that she had a visual to show us and she was brave for sharing it because I would not have wanted to show mine, especially since it wasn’t even done. She also discussed her CCR ideas with us. The first one she spoke about was some sort of reenactment to the Yellow brick Road in the Wizard of Oz. To further illustrate, it’s a specific scene when Dorothy is making her way through this large yellow brick road full of obstacles and each obstacle has a specific character that helps her get through the yellow brick road or has a specific quality. She wanted to implement this as each encounter of a character would include answering a question, or something similar to that. That was just my understanding of it, and I thought that this idea was so cool, so hopefully she'll be able to do it! For her other video, she was still unsure of what to do, and some people provided some ideas, and she ended up leaning closer towards an interview.

Rehan told us about his productions next. He explained that he was in the editing process of his production, and therefore, he did not have a finished product to show us, which is totally fine because everybody was doing everything at their own time. He did, however, have some cool makeup to show us. It was sort of bloody, the whole bruise kind of thing. I loved it. I have done that myself, and it is soo fun to do. He told us that his partner's mom did it and further explained his genre and film idea, which was escaping. I think it was really interesting to start off a film like that, since it's not normally shown, so props to him and his partner for thinking of it. As for CCR ideas, since he was focused on editing, he hadn’t given it much thought, but then again everything at its own time.

After him went Sofia. She told us she was doing a detective video, which I also thought was really cool. She showed us a piece of what she was working on, and it was really nice. She also had a really creative font for her title, so I praised her on that. The CCR part was one of my favorite parts because we helped her shape an idea that I thought really interesting. She discussed that she was thinking about doing something based on her character, which I hadn’t given that outlook to the CCR, but the more she explained, the more it made sense. She describes that the CCR could be anything really, meaning the character that the whole film opening was based on could also potentially be in the CCR. This is such a cool connection that I was also considering of implying into one of my CCRs because it’s just cool. As she was telling us her whole idea of implementing her films character into her CCRs. I suggested maybe using a magnifying glass that could read out a question or something like that and I am not sure if she really picked up on the idea.

As for Alexis and I, we were pretty similar on the fact that we were just still filming or focused on filming unfortunately since I had to refilm everything, and Alexis was still stuck on filming because she's been having some difficulties which I do not remember very well, therefore won't be speaking on.  I really do hope that she can get on track with everything that she needs on time. There weren’t too many ideas suggested for either of us, but that's okay. I guess none of us were really feeling it that day, since it was Monday and Monday suck. Thankfully, later on in the week, I was able to come up with one of the first CCR production ideas and I am very proud of it. Anyway, here is a picture of our group. Shout out to Ms. Stoklosa for taking it!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #4 (research)

 Hello blog!

 It is FINALLY time to answer the fourth and final question of the CCR! 

The question is: How did you integrate tech technologies – software, hardware, and online – in this project?

 Let me just start off by saying I know technologies are really important, but some can be soo annoying (*cough cough* editing). Editing I would probably say is my least favorite and was my least favorite part of production. Moreover, I’m not a big fan of any additional technologies, including software and hardware, but I did use a bunch, so let's get into it! Considering that I had to film three times due to my footage deleting, I'm only going to discuss a bit of my learning process from my first time filming and then follow up with the technologies I used during my third time filming. The first time that I filmed, I filmed all by myself and borrowed a tripod that my sister had available. While tripods are very steady, it was still a hassle to readjust and reposition every time I wanted to get a new shot or angle. I guess it’s just the struggle of filming by yourself in general, but at least I learned not to do that again! From the very beginning, it was straight chaos, so fortunately I didn't get very far on the editing. 

The second time I filmed, I knew things had to go differently because if I wanted my luck to change, I would need to change something about what I was doing. I started off by asking my mom to help me out. She was such a queen and got all the different angles and shots, and even though we filmed for a while she stayed patient and dedicated, which I really appreciate so shout out to her. The online technologies that I used were Google, Pinterest, Canva, and Premiere Pro. Also, I have not come up with an idea for my second video, so time to think on my trip!! Sorry for not providing a script as well😑.


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CCR #3 (research)

Hi blog!

Today I will be discussing question #3 for my CCR questions and possible ideas for my second video.  

Today's question is: How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

To be honest, I had no experience of filming whatsoever before coming into Aice Media Studies and I certainly do not think it is my strong suit, but it doesn't need to be, and I’ve come to terms with it. I do, however, need to show some sort of knowledge for everything that I’ve been learning this past year and that is something that I believe came through as I was filming my video. Not only while I was filming, but in preparation as well. In addition to my previous understanding of production, the research I did helped me out in unimaginable ways. Every week, my blogs focused on a specific production element that I would need to incorporate. Although some were suggested, I could choose some of my own that I wished to expand my knowledge on. It just opened up my understanding so much more than I thought was possible because I thought I was fine with knowing the basics. But why stop there? I was able to really comprehend how each element works: How lighting can impact the whole mood of a story, how the mise-en-scene can describe a character with no words, how props impact a character or plot. Also, not only the key elements of the physical, but also of the filming and how every shot and angle can impact a story. Speaking of shots, I overshot like crazy using various shots and angles. Different shots and angles can make add uniqueness to a piece, and it's fun. I also learned that working by yourself should probably never be done because it's so distasteful. It is extremely difficult, and you are putting up with so much stress that could be avoided in the first place. 

Unfortunately, I do not have my script because I am just in a rut with ideas right. It’s just been so much thinking, and frankly, my brain needs a break. I do have good news though! If I do not come up with something by this Saturday, I will have lots of time to come up with an idea for my second video since I am going on a trip. 2 1/2 hours to be exact. I am planning on spending my time wisely through all the time I am making my mission to come up with an idea and possibly start writing up my script.

Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR #2 (research & idea)

 Hello blog! 

Today I will be diving into question number two of my CCR questions!

This question is: How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

This is probably my favorite question because I feel like my product really has that factor of getting to a specific type of audiences, due to it being coming of age and all. Coming of age is all about representing people at a young age. This genre tends to highlight people's thoughts and struggles on experiences that so many people can relate to. I did explain how my product represented social groups in my recent CCR and this is a little similar to that, so I am trying to switch up a little bit how I would be answering this, but honestly, I think it really creates a connection with teenagers because as much as it sucks, it’s true that everybody has struggles with accepting who they are. While growing up, everybody is struggling to find a specific group that they can fit into or something that makes them feel like they belong, and it’s not a simple as it sounds. Within your teenage years, you’re still trying to find yourself while dealing with so many other situations that it is so hard to take a second to just figure out who you are as a person. It is just such a mess of so many factors that are hard to process, but I really wanted to go into a really big one that everybody can relate to witches being social in other words, social anxiety, or introvert toy. I also like to think that I am person to portray this since it is shown through the eyes of somebody that gets it.

 The second part of the question asks how my products would be distributed as a real media text. Now, considering that this is just a school project, I obviously would not get very far with distributing to audiences. However, I do think that it could be spread through a smaller community. May I say a film festival or a specific contest? I would also say YouTube is a wider option that I could possibly share my product to, but that is the farthest I'd go, since as of right now, I am not a professional and I am not planning on distributing my product whatsoever, aside from submitting it to Cambridge.

 For my script, I have not been yet able to form one, which is a bummer and might get me a few points deducted, but I just want the very best and to fully put thought into it. I did come up with what I should do when answering my two questions, though. I decided that I am going to be baking because it is a hobby of mine and it’s always very fun. Also, at least I could get something delicious out of this assignment. My idea is that I would be putting ingredients into a bowl, and with each different ingredient, I would be answering a different question. For example, let’s say I am putting in flour into the bowl. As I do so, I will be answering a simpler question formatted from one of my first two CCR questions. Each ingredient will be the answer to a different question, and the final product I'd like to think is key factors to making my film opening. I'm not sure if I explained this whole concept very too well but I am very excited to bring my vision to life and think it's a pretty cool concept!!


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Filming day 2 🫠

Hello bloggg!!

Today was my final day of filming and may I just say I am so glad that that’s over with. Don’t get me wrong, it was so much fun but at the same time so stressful and SO much work that I have just been so overwhelmed this past week. My journey with day 2 began with which day I would choose to film. I needed to pick one of my free days to work on, since my prior schedule clearly did not work out.  I decided to work on Saturday to just get everything out of the way and complete this blog on Sunday, which is today. 

This was such a long process because I had so much footage to capture and make up for the day that I wasn't able to get as much, I filmed a bunch of shots and tried various things simply due to the fact that I wanted everything to look clean and perfect. Although this day allowed me to use my time however I wanted to and to my capacity, I would not stop getting overwhelmed and it became a greater thing than it had to since I kept stopping for breaks whenever I got too frustrated. This was really helpful but not at the same time because I came back with a different outlook and clearer mindset, but also my process kept getting delayed, so I just got tired of taking breaks and wanted to get it over with. Luckily, I've gathered all my necessary footage and more. I've never been more happy to say that's a wrap! Stay tuned for the final project. 

Friday, February 28, 2025


Hello blog!

Unfortunately, I did not know how many possible problems someone can run into while in production. It all began on Monday, the day before filming day #1... As I was gathering all my props, the pictures I was planning to print out, came out with barely had any pigment. I didn't mind the black and white, just as long as the picture was actually visible. This is how they looked:


I guess my printer's out of ink, but although this was an unlucky setback, I didn't really see it as too big of an issue. However, later that night, one of my actors cancelled on me because they got sick, which is totally understandable. Only issue was that was the only night they could film. I was left with only one actor. I wasn't sure of what to do. There wasn't really much I could do except find another actor. Although, my schedule was tight and I couldn't find an actor in such short notice, so as much as I hate to say it, I had to cut that part. Bella would still be writing about the 2 characters; they just wouldn't be shown.

I decided to use Tuesday to decorate my room. I did have less props than I originally planned, so I'd have to get resourceful. No zebra print carpet nor posters due to my budget. The main focus were the walls with cutouts anyway, except...I realized I hadn't managed my time wisely and doing these walls would take me a lot longer than a day, so I settled for an alternative: One wall. This wall will be some sort of focal point that draws attention to the scene and reflects on Bella's likes and interests. 

On my first day of shooting, the only problem was that I had to film everything myself. I had to figure out how to adjust my camera and put it at a good angle that word properly film everything I wanted it to film. It took me a while, but luckily, after some debating and just trying out a couple things, my sister came home and let me borrow a tripod she was borrowing from CBTV. She helped me out with adjusting it and getting it to the right height, and from that point, I was able to shoot some of my scenes. Go us!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Filming time!

 Hi blog!

The day is finally here! The pre-production process was a struggle to be honest, but thankfully it's over. As I begin to set everything in place for my scene to shoot, I wasn’t exactly able to get the camera where I wanted it. It was such a mess. I spent a great amount of time just trying to figure out the angle I wanted my camera to be in. As I realized this, I started filming to capture my frustration. Of course, I am not in costume yet because I just wanted to make sure that the phone was perfectly in angle before I got ready, and this was very helpful because I didn’t have to spend even more time than needed to get in costume, as I wasn’t going to capture my main footage here. The cutouts wall isn’t up either because all of the cut outs are taped together, and I can just tape it to the wall on and off, so this was before I had even put in a costume or set up the wall.

After a while, my sister got home and came to my help. Since she’s in CBTV (a club for filming and production), she had some useful items and handed me a tripod. She also helped me adjust it and we were able to get it to the right angle that I wanted it to be. Once the set up was done, I finally began to shoot. This part was pretty fun, honestly. Since I started shooting later at night, however I could not get the high key lighting that I wanted so I only did the scenes that I could within the lighting that I had. It really sucked to realize that after all of that time that I spent trying to get my camera set up perfectly, I wasn’t going to be able to film much, but at least I learned how to do it and now I can do it again on day 2. 

Group Meeting #2 Reflection

 Hello blog!  On Monday, we had our second group meeting, and they were a lot of help. Overall, I just love group meetings because it’s so m...